MOS Chances,
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Thread: MOS Chances,

  1. #1

    MOS Chances,

    I have been searching around but I cant find what I'm looking for.

    I would like to know my chances of getting the MOS I want. Specifically an Infantry MOS. Now I know how full the Infantry billets are right now but thats what I want to do the most. My question is this: What chances do i have of getting the exact MOS that I want? Specifically I would like to work in LAV's but i dont know much about getting it. Is it basically out of the question right now because its full, or are they in need of grunts?

    Any info on this would be appreciated. Thanks Marines!!

  2. #2
    Ask your recruiter, he/she will provide with the most for sure answer. Ask them to see their list of seats open for each job, that way you can confirm whether it is open or not. When it comes to the amount of seats in each MOS that the RSS has, it's not a Marine Corps wide, each RSS has the same amount of seats, it by all means can and will be different based on the RSS. And, if its closed then its closed, not much can be done about that.

    Talk to the recruiter, if he/she doesn't have an answer then keep asking (but don't become a burden or annoying). Be tactful and respectful when trying to get any answer you want.

  3. #3
    Thank you for the reply.

    I was also wondering if LAV billets were packed for the foreseeable future. Now that i think about it, i dont even know how you pick up that MOS! Anybody care to fill me in?

  4. #4
    You get to fill out a wish list in infantry school of what specific infantry MOS you want. They don't take many LAV spots (if any) because it's not that big. That's what I put as my first pick but didn't get it.

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